
How Writing Reviews Can Help Make Money?

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How Writing Reviews Can Help Make Money?

When shopping online, how many of us look for reviews by other customers to determine if it is a good product? Certainly, we all do. Reviews and user feedback hold a lot of value today. The advancement in technology and easy access to the internet has changed the entire ball game of how people shop. 

When buying products online, we do not have physical access to the product and scroll through the images. Here is where online reviews can help know about the product before purchasing. 

Many online applications offer a platform where you can write reviews and earn money. If you wish to know how you can make money by reviewing, then this post is for you.

Writing Reviews

writing reviews

Writing review is an evaluation of the product that highlights the reviewer’s opinion on the features, usability, pros and cons. The purpose of product reviews is to help the potential buyer get an honest assessment about the product which can aid their buying decision. 

These reviews are often written by consumers who have purchased the products and used them. In other words, writing reviews is a process of sharing one’s thoughts and opinions about a product, service or experience. 

Write Reviews & Earn Money In India

write reviews and earn money

If someone told you that you could earn money by writing reviews a few years ago, one would not believe it. However, with the rise of digital marketing and all-things virtual, it is now a possibility. 

When buying products online, we are always looking for user feedback which helps us know about the product better. Writing reviews is now an easy side hustle you can do from the comfort of your home.

How To Make Money By Reviewing?

Now comes the main part – how to earn money by writing reviews in India. There are different ways to earn money by writing multiple forms of review explained below :  

Paid Reviews  

Paid reviews are a common way to earn money by reviewing. There are many companies and brands today that pay reviewers to share their experiences about a particular product or service. 

Sponsored Reviews 

Sponsored reviews are reviews wherein you get paid to publish the article on someone else’s website or blog. In this case, a brand or a company will pay you to write a review about their product or service. In addition, you might have to disclose that it is a paid review. 

For example, when a company launches a new product they would want to promote it. Hence, the company will try to reach out to product review bloggers or review platforms. 

Review Apps 

Today you will come across many online applications that offer the opportunity to review products and earn money.

Benefits Of Writing Reviews

Review writing holds importance for both consumers and companies. Today consumers look beyond product descriptions and beautiful images. They are looking for authentic and valuable reviews combined with real-life insights. 

User reviews play an important role in influencing the final purchase decision. For companies and brands, it provides valuable insights, acts as social proof, provides increased transparency, and helps rectify the issues with the product if need be. 

Review Writing Opportunities

review writing opportunities

There are numerous review apps and websites where you just have to create your account and get started with reviewing. Here’s a list of popular review writing apps that you must check out. 

RevuER by Mishry 

Launched recently, RevuER application lets you participate in brand campaigns, review the product and earn money. The app is available for download on both iOS and Android platforms. Choose from a variety of campaigns and start reviewing now! 


Slicethepie is a platform that will pay you for your opinion. It is one of the largest paid review sites on the internet. The user will earn cash for every review they leave. 

Online Job Portals 

You can also search for review writing jobs on online job portals such as Online job portals Naukri.com or Indeed. 

Social Media Platforms

In addition to online job portals, you can also search for review writing opportunities on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some interesting FAQs on writing reviews to earn money

The important aspects that must be included in a product review are the introduction of the product, its features, benefits, and drawbacks if any.

Product reviews are beneficial in a number of ways. It helps build trust and allows the end user to know better about the product. Additionally, it depicts credibility and social proof.

There are a few specific points that must be included in your product reviews so that it captures the reader’s attention : ensure that the first sentence is catchy, give a personal touch, use emotions, make use of pictures/videos to grab attention. Lastly, make sure to ask questions from readers.


User reviews hold a lot of value today. Customers rely heavily on such reviews which are often authentic articles written by real users. So, reviews are social proof and help build trust and loyalty. 

Writing reviews is a great way to get started working while at home.

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